Cookie policy

On we collect and analyze information about visitors' use of the website to develop and improve it. Below, we have listed what information we collect, its purpose, and the names of third parties that have access to it. If you do not want this to happen when you visit, you can delete or block your cookies. You can get help with this at

You may experience that the site does not run optimally if you choose to block or delete cookies.

*Cookies are a text file (cannot contain harmful code/virus) that is stored on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. The purpose is to recognize the device, remember settings, and produce statistics. contains cookies from the following third parties:

ga – Google Analytics for traffic measurement.
gat_gtag_UA_xxxxxx– Google Analytics for measuring use of the contact form.
gid – Google Tag Manager data layer is a JavaScript object used to send information from the website to the Google Tag Manager container.